Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Week 5 (Non- teaching period) - Code Planning

At this stage of our project, we are still discussing about how the exact mechanic of the device would work. So far we still can not come up with a better way for a mechanic system to fit with our design. 

At this stage, I decided to do some research about how we could make a connection between Kinect and Arduino. (As I am responsible for this part of the project) For my interpretation, I believe that the the solution for the design must come up with the rotation of the motor or servo therefore the primily device for the design must a a motor or servo. Therefore while we are still thinking of a way to get the mechanic done, I can starting thinking of how to make a motor or servo move according to Kinect sensor.

The idea of the project is to use Kinect as a sensor, getting gesture control information and sending data to Ardino to command the motor or servo to move. It will have to be a multiple motor or servo. 

To get starting with the coding process I need some sort of plan to direct which direction should I be reaching in term of writing the code. After a few researches I can simple concluded the steps as shown in diagram.

To simple explain what's that diagram is about, I can list them out as followed;

Step 1: Write code to control servo or motor with Arduino (Arduimo > Servo) I will need to get the see working in the right position first before testing out with data from Kinect. At this stage the input would be a push bottom of etc.

Step 2: Make the connect between Kinect to computer using Processing application (Kinect > Processing) This is to get Kinect to capture the gesture recognition and transfer that to data in processing.

Step 3: Writing code to send information from Processing to Arduino (Processing > Arduino) Processing is acted as an InPUT data to Arduino.

Step 4: Writing code to command Servo to move using Ardino (Arduino > Servo) This is the stage where the command will depend on the data received from Processing.

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